Prev: 3.2. General options[ home ]Next: 3.4. Options relevant to the Sample Rate Converter

3.3. Output specific options

3.3.1. Options relevant to ALSA output
3.3.2. Options relevant to OSS output
3.3.3. Options relevant to JACK output
3.3.4. Options relevant to PulseAudio and sndio output
3.3.5. Options relevant to Win32 output

3.3.1. Options relevant to ALSA output

-d, --device <name>
Set the output device (defaults to 'default').
-r, --rate <int>
Set the output sample rate.
-b, --buffer-size <int>
Set the ALSA output buffer size (in frames).
-R, --realtime
Try to use realtime (SCHED_FIFO) scheduling for ALSA output thread.
-P, --priority <int>
When running --realtime, set scheduler priority to <int> (default is 1 when -R is used).

3.3.2. Options relevant to OSS output

-d, --device <name>
Set the output device (defaults to /dev/audio on OpenBSD, /dev/dsp on other Unices).
-r, --rate <int>
Set the output sample rate.
-R, --realtime
Try to use realtime (SCHED_FIFO) scheduling for OSS output thread.
-P, --priority <int>
When running --realtime, set scheduler priority to <int> (default is 1 when -R is used).

3.3.3. Options relevant to JACK output

-a[<port_L>,<port_R>], --auto[=<port_L>,<port_R>]
Auto-connect output ports to given JACK ports (defaults to first two hardware playback ports).
-c, --client <name>
Set client name (needed if you want to run multiple instances of the program).

Note that in the case when JACK output has been selected as part of the automatic output device detection, the -a option is implicitly applied.

3.3.4. Options relevant to PulseAudio and sndio output

-r, --rate <int>
Set the output sample rate.
-R, --realtime
Try to use realtime (SCHED_FIFO) scheduling for sndio output thread.
-P, --priority <int>
When running --realtime, set scheduler priority to <int> (default is 1 when -R is used).

3.3.5. Options relevant to Win32 output

-r, --rate <int>
Set the output sample rate.

Prev: 3.2. General options[ home ]Next: 3.4. Options relevant to the Sample Rate Converter