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3.5. Options for remote cue control

Note that remote controlling of instances is only possible if the instance you want to send a command to is running as the same user as you are when you issue the remote command.

-N, --session <int>
Specify the instance number to send the remote command to. Instances are numbered on a per user basis, starting with 0. Except for the zero-th instance (started first), the instance number is displayed in the title bar of the main window (e.g.: `Aqualung.3'). If you don't use this option, the following options will control the zero-th instance by default, except for -L which defaults to the present instance (so as to be able to start playback immediately from the command line).
-B, --back
Jump to previous track.
-F, --fwd
Jump to next track.
-L, --play
Start playing.
-U, --pause
Pause playback, or resume if already paused.
-T, --stop
Stop playback.
-V, --volume [m|M]|[=]<val>
Adjust the volume. m/M means mute; if = is present, the remote instance's volume control will be set to the value specified, otherwise, the volume will be adjusted by the supplied (signed) value. The values are in dB units.
-Q, --quit
Terminate remote instance.

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