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9.2. Programmable Title Format

By specifying a function named `playlist_title' in your Lua extension file, which should accept no arguments and should return a string, you can override the default title formatting specified by the Title format setting. Similarly, by specifying a function named `application_title' with the same API, you have the application window's title set separately from the playlist title. If you would like the application title and playlist title to be the same, you can have your `application_title' function just call `playlist_title'.

Aqualung defines two functions for you to use to get data to use in the title format, `m' and `i'. `m' stands for metadata, and `i' stands for file info. The `m' function is used to get metadata from file tags, while the `i' function is used to get information about the file itself, such as the length, bitrate, and number of channels. If there are multiple metadata entries (such as multiple artists), `m' will return them as a single string separated with comma (`,'). If there is no metadata entry, `m' will return the empty string. If you ask for a metadata or file info entry that Aqualung doesn't understand, Aqualung will log an error and will fallback to using the standard title formatting code.

Here are some examples.

1. Very simple, showing basic syntax

function playlist_title()
return m('artist') .. '-' .. m('title') .. ' (' .. m('album') .. ')'


2. Simple, showing use of conditional formatting

function mi(field, format)
if field ~= "" then
field = string.format(format, field)
return field

function dirname(path)
if string.find(path, "/") then
return string.sub(path, 1, string.len(path) - string.find(string.reverse(path), "/"))
return ""

function album()
local a = m('album')
if a ~= "" then
a = a .. mi('date', ' (%s)')
a = dirname(i('filename'))
return a .. '-'

function playlist_title()
return album() .. mi('trackno', '%s-') .. m('title')


3. Complex, showing quasi-columnar output via padding (requires a fixed width font for a decent appearance)

-- Maximum length of a line in the playlist
maxlen = 85

-- Directory name for path
function dirname(path)
if string.find(path, "/") then
return string.sub(path, 1, string.len(path) - string.find(string.reverse(path), "/"))
return ""

-- File name for path
function basename(path)
if string.find(path, "/") then
return string.sub(path, string.len(path) - string.find(string.reverse(path), "/") + 2)
return path

-- The album name from the metadata, or the directory name of the file if not present
function album_or_dir()
local album = m('album')
if album == "" then
album = basename(dirname(i("filename")))
return album

-- The title from the metadata, or the base name of the file if not present
function title_or_file()
local title = m('title')
if title == "" then
local file = basename(i("filename"))
if not  string.match(file, "^%d+%-%....$") then
title = file
return title

-- If the field exists in the metadata, format it using the format_string
function formatif(field, format_string)
if field ~= "" then
field = string.format(format_string, field)
return field

-- A string indicating the frequency in Hz, or the empty string if the frequency is 44100
function freq()
local hz = string.format("%i", i('sample_rate'))
if hz == "44100" then
hz = ""
hz = formatif(hz, "[%sHz] ")
return hz

-- A string indicating the number of channels, unless the number of channels is 2 (stereo)
function chan()
local m = string.format("%i", i('channels'))
if m == "2" then
m = ""
elseif m == "1" then
m = "[MONO] "
m = formatif(m, "[%s channels] ")
return m

-- Pad the string to the given length, adding spaces if it is too short and truncating
-- it if it is too long
function pad(s, n)
local l = string.len(s)
if l > n then
s = string.sub(s, 1, n)
s = s .. string.rep(' ', n-l)
return s

-- Combine the left and right sides, with the right side having priority
function finalize(l, r)
return pad(l, maxlen - string.len(r)) .. r

-- Build the title in two parts, a left part (channel and frequency expections, album,
-- track number, title) and a right part (artist, genre, comment, date, and gain).
-- The right part is columnar, the left side is not.
function playlist_title()
local l = chan() .. freq() .. formatif(album_or_dir(), "%s-")
.. formatif(m('trackno'), "%s-") .. title_or_file()
local r = "  " .. m('artist') .. "  " .. formatif(m("genre"), "%s  ")
.. pad(m('comment'), 12) .. "  " .. pad(m("date"), 4) .. "  "
.. pad(m('track_gain'), 5) .. " " .. pad(m('album_gain'), 5)
return finalize(l, r)


Complete list of values that the `m' function accepts

[ title | artist | album | date | genre | trackno |
comment | disc | performer | description | organization
| location | contact | license | copyright | isrc |
version | subtitle | debut_album | publisher | conductor
| composer | publication_right | file | ean_upc | isbn |
catalog | label_code | record_date | record_location |
media | index | related | abstract | language |
bibliography | introplay | bpm | encoding_time |
playlist_delay | original_release_time | release_time |
tagging_time | encoded_by | lyricist | filetype |
involved_people | content_group | initial_key | length |
musician_credits | mood | original_album |
original_filename | original_lyricist | original_artist
| file_owner | band | remixed | set_part | produced |
station_name | station_owner | album_order |
performer_order | title_order | software | set_subtitle
| user_text | commercial_info | legal_info |
file_website | artist_website | source_website |
station_website | payment | publisher_website | user_url
| vendor | rg_loudness | track_gain | track_peak |
album_gain | album_peak | icy_name | icy_descr |
icy_genre | rva ]

Here is a complete list of values that the `i' function accepts

[ filename | sample_rate | channels | bps | samples |
voladj_db | voladj_lin | stream | mono ]

Changing the Lua extension file entry takes effect immediately, but does not affect existing titles in the playlist. In order to update existing titles in the playlist, the Reread file metadata setting should be used.

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