Prev: 2.4. Playing and ripping an Audio CD[ home ]Next: 3.1. Invocation

3. Command Line Interface

3.1. Invocation
3.2. General options
3.3. Output specific options
3.3.1. Options relevant to ALSA output
3.3.2. Options relevant to OSS output
3.3.3. Options relevant to JACK output
3.3.4. Options relevant to PulseAudio and sndio output
3.3.5. Options relevant to Win32 output
3.4. Options relevant to the Sample Rate Converter
3.5. Options for remote cue control
3.6. Options for file loading
3.6.1. Setting up programs to use Aqualung as a soundfile handler
3.7. Options for changing state of Playlist/Music Store windows
3.8. Examples
3.9. Environment
3.10. Files

Prev: 2.4. Playing and ripping an Audio CD[ home ]Next: 3.1. Invocation