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One great feature of the program is that you can apply LADSPA plugins to the music. You can use the equalizer of your choice instead of a built-in one, along with other plugins. You can process your sound with Aqualung in ways that the author of this program never thought of. A recommended set is TAP-plugins.
Of course, faithful reproduction of music does not require or permit pervasive signal processing, since that is not the purpose of such activity. However, the technology is at your disposal and it's up to you to use or misuse it. It may be necessary to adapt your listening gear to the acoustic environment, using small amounts of equalization preferably in a subtractive manner. In addition to this, I also like to spice my tracks with a small amount of tubewarmth to feel that warm tube sound even with my transistor amplifiers, and to bring out even the finest details of the music.
The plugin chain you build is automatically saved and restored, so once you get it right for your listening environment, you should rarely need to touch it.
Some tricks concerning the LADSPA patch builder:
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